• Medical

What Is Infusion Therapy and What Can It Treat?


Long gone are the days when only hospital patients were offered IV drip therapy – aka infusion therapy. Today, many health-conscious individuals enjoy infusion therapy as a way of getting the essential nutrients they need to feel better and keep their bodies functioning at their best.

Long gone are the days when only hospital patients were offered IV drip therapy – aka infusion therapy. Today, many health-conscious individuals enjoy infusion therapy as a way of getting the essential nutrients they need to feel better and keep their bodies functioning at their best.

Interested in learning more about this increasingly popular treatment? We can help! Read on as we explore infusion therapy and uncover its many uses and how to prepare for it.

What Is Infusion Therapy?

Making sure your body stays in tip-top shape and receives all the hydration and essential nutrients it needs can sometimes feel like a full-time job. After all, your body is a machine – a highly complex and dynamic one with many intricate internal processes, but a machine all the same.

And just like most tools and machinery, your body calls for constant TLC to continue performing, feeling, and looking its best. Vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, amino acids, antioxidants, and hydration are just a handful of the many essential nutrients your body craves to function optimally.

Thankfully, there are simpler ways to make sure your body gets exactly what it needs than obsessively tracking your micronutrient intake.

Enter infusion therapy.

Commonly referred to as intravenous (IV) therapy, when you hear “intravenous,” take note of the words “intra” and “vein” being combined – this basically means “into the vein.”

So, infusion therapy – or IV therapy – simply refers to delivering fluids and essential nutrients directly into the vein. The intravenous route is the fastest way that medications and fluids can enter your body through the bloodstream. 

Therefore, nutrients go directly into circulation and can be used by the body almost immediately.

The Problem With The Digestive System

Whenever you consume food or take a pill or dietary supplement, you can’t benefit from the medication or nutrients until after your digestive system has processed everything. 

Your digestive system is extremely complicated and affected by so many different factors from what you eat to the meds you take.

Plus, some meds and nutrients absorb best in the presence of fat, while others don’t need any at all. This is one of the reasons why some pills must be taken on an empty stomach while others should only be taken with food.

But that’s not all – a disorder of the digestive system can interfere with absorption, too. This is especially an issue for many people living with fibromyalgia, which often comes with unfavorable issues like IBS that can greatly compromise absorption efficiency.

Bottom line, there’s really no guarantee that a pill will get properly absorbed by your body. But with infusion therapy, everything goes directly into the bloodstream and gets to work immediately, making a major difference.

What Is Infusion Therapy Used For?

Many people these days suffer from chronic stress, a poor diet, and don’t get enough restorative shut-eye. Thankfully, infusion therapy can help to treat vitamin or mineral deficiencies and restore your body to its optimal nutrient levels and hydration.

Here are a few of the top uses for infusion therapy:

Energy Boost

Did you know that fatigue can often be a symptom of dehydration and an electrolyte imbalance? Yup, it’s true — and you know what can help to kick that fatigue to the curb? Infusion therapy. 

This popular treatment can help bring harmony and balance to your body while boosting your immune system. This, in turn, will help in getting you back to feeling refreshed and energized so you can take on the day.

Instant Hydration

The average human body is made up of 60 percent water. Drinking alcoholic beverages, hot weather, and high-intensity activities like running, biking, and dancing can wreak havoc on your water levels, ultimately leading to dehydration. 

Even if you’re just slightly dehydrated, it can cause a whole slew of icky side effects, such as:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Muscle cramps
  • Heart palpitations

To rehydrate your body instantly, infusion therapy is a great choice as it will provide your body with optimum hydration. Whether you’re combating a bad hangover or had a little too much fun under the sun, infusion therapy can help you recover faster.

Cold and Flu Relief

If you find yourself being knocked down by the symptoms of the common cold or flu, infusion therapy can offer you some fast relief.

A cold and flu IV drip helps keep your body hydrated and is commonly loaded with essential nutrients to help your immune system do its job and kick the bug.

Plus, anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory medications can help to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms associated with these illnesses, such as body aches, headaches, coughing, and fever.

How To Prepare For Infusion Therapy

Infusion therapy is extremely safe and super easy. Plus, treatment is nearly painless, with the exception of a tiny pinch during IV administration.

Not to mention, no major side effects are associated with infusion therapy. That said, if you’ve just made an appointment for your first treatment, there are a few things you should do to prepare to help your session go as smoothly as possible.

Before Your Infusion

First things first, prior to your treatment, patients are sent a medical intake form for our physician team to review. Be sure to let them know about your current prescription medications, medical conditions, and medical history to ensure no complications.

On the day before and the morning of your infusion, be sure to drink plenty of water. When your body is properly hydrated, your veins will become more dilated, making it much easier for the nurse to find for quick and easy IV insertion — no one likes getting poked more than once with a needle!

Depending on the type of infusion therapy you are getting, you could be hooked up to an IV for 30 minutes or four hours. Do yourself a favor and wear comfortable loose-fitting clothes. You’ll want to be comfortable, and most likely, your vital signs like blood pressure and heart rate will be monitored — so wearing loose-fitting clothes will also help the nurse properly monitor your vital signs.

If you’re receiving infusion therapy that offers convenient at-home treatment — like ivee— set yourself up for success and make a comfy-cozy and relaxing environment with fun things to keep you from boredom wherever you plan on receiving treatment. The Registered Nurse on staff will also ensure that you are completely comfortable throughout the procedure.

A Final Word

Here at ivee, it’s our mission to provide the safest and most enjoyable wellness experience possible. That’s why we’ve curated a team of the most skilled – and dare we say friendliest – nurses on the planet with years of experience under their belts. 

From boosting your energy to beefing up your defenses, infusion therapy can help you to feel like your best self. If you’re ready to see how infusion therapy can change your life for the better, our team is here to help!

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